Reasons To Wear A Gray Wig

Reasons To Wear A Gray Wig
If your gray hair is thinning, why not wear a gray wig to add volume? We make custom gray lace wigs, hair systems and even cranial prostheses. Gray wigs are very popular these days. Even the younger crowd are donning them with fashion.

So, if you’re already transitioning into silver fox mode, embrace it. there are many other reasons to gray a gray wig. For instance, you can find the ideal shade that blends with your skin tone. And if you can, Louticia Grier can custom make a gray for you.

Reasons and How To Wear A Gray Wig

  1. To cover up graying roots without using dye.
  2. You suffer from alopecia.
  3. Hair is thinning or noticeable bald spots.
  4. To experiment with different gray styles before cutting your own gray hair.
  5. You want to achieve a perfect look.
  6. Currently suffering from a hormonal imbalance that’s causing partial hair loss.
  7. You’re undergoing chemotherapy treatments for cancer.
  8. Need a temporary protective style.
  9. You just want to wear a gray wig for aesthetic purposes.
  10. Desire your hairstyle age to look as realistic as possible.
    1. If your colleagues and friends already noticed you’re going gray, there’s no need to choose a different color. Not only that, we have fashionably cut styles that really flatter your age. Moreover, you can achieve a stylish hairstyle that’s both natural looking and age appropriate. Consequently, wearing a gray wig will help to achieve the look you desire.

      We have a variety of styles you can choose. Not to mention, we can custom make any type of you like. So, book a free consultation today and embrace your gray.

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