How Do You Prevent Chemical Burns On Your Scalp?

How Do You Prevent Chemical Burns On Your Scalp?
Raise your hand if this has happened to you. You’re getting a bleach treatment or a relaxer. Your stylist puts on latex gloves to protect her hands from burning but nothing to protect your scalp. Ok, so by show of hands, this has happened to many people at different salons.

Many hairstylists do not base clients’ scalp before chemical services. Even when doing so will prevent chemical burns on your scalp. So, why the omission? Well, it can be due to not having the proper Scalp Base Protection product on hand. Or simply the hairstylist doesn’t know to do it. Either way, it’s a bad practice and must stop.

The reason for basing the scalp serve the same purpose as latex gloves for the stylist’s hands. That is, to prevent chemical burns on your scalp.

Why Base To Prevent Chemical Burns On Your Scalp?

The answer is actually in the question. But, your scalp is the source of nutrition for proper hair growth. Chemicals are easily absorbed by the scalp and can damage the quality of new hair growth. Or worse. Completely prevent new hair growth due to chemical burns. Thus, causing permanent loss of certain hair follicles.

This is just one reason why using a scalp protection product is so important. It not only acts as a barrier between your skin and chemical, but it prevents chemical burns. If you get bleach on your scalp or skin, it is going to cause a chemical burn. Plain and simple.

Severe chemical burns can induce skin disorders like scarring alopecia. When chemicals are absorbed into the pores and bloodstream, they can affect the liver.

Why Do I need to Base My Scalp Before Relaxing My Hair?

Ok, so if the above reasons aren’t enough, try this. A scalp base protects your scalp, hair, ears, and hairline. In essence, any other part of the head that may come into contact with the relaxer chemicals.

One of the reasons why stylists may not be basing the scalp is because of the no-lye relaxer. But wait. Isn’t your hair super straight after the “no-lye” relaxer treatment? So, whatever that “no-lye” is suppose to mean, it does not mean non-chemical. Otherwise, your hair texture would not change. Make sense?

No-lye relaxers most definitely can burn the skin just like the regular relaxers. THEY ALL CONTAIN CHEMICALS. Obviously, if they did not contain chemicals then your hair would not be straighten afterwards.

So, no matter what the title or subtitle says on your relaxer box. You need to apply a base to prevent chemical burns on the scalp, ALWAYS. However, there are things that applying a base will not do. It will not prevent over-processing. Or completely protect the skin if the chemicals are left on past the recommended time.

If you’re relaxing your own hair, always follow directions and never rely on any jelly to act as a back-up shield. And please disregard myths about basing the scalp being a “personal preference”.

You can have the thickest human scalp and not be affected by soar scalp when hair is tangled. Chemicals are a whole different ballgame. Whether sensitive scalp or hardheaded, to prevent chemical burns on your scalp, a base should ALWAYS be used.

Applying a base should not be seen as an inconvenience but rather a legitimate step in the chemical service. Besides, it only takes a few minutes to properly base the scalp and hairline before the chemical treatment.

Moreover, it’s worth the time to ensure no irritation or burning. Or worse – hair loss!

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