As if dealing with and living through the pandemic wasn’t enough, people are experiencing COVID-19 related hair loss. In essence, the emotional and physical stress that accompanied a case of COVID-19 led to reversible hair loss. This type of hair loss is known as telogen effluvium. While
Read more →Choosing a human hair wig or synthetic hair wig is a personal choice. But human hair wig care differs greatly from it’s counterpart. Not only do real hair wigs provide the most natural appearance, but they also fit differently. Even the bounce, sheen, and texture of a
Read more →It’s important to know how to maintain your human hair wig. There are big differences between human hair wigs and synthetic hair wigs. For instance, the former is stronger and has a higher resistance to heat. Human hair wigs also give you the most natural appearance. Even
Read more →It shouldn’t be surprising to learn that a significant amount of hair loss or thinning is the result of styling treatments. And the worst of these is not knowing how to care for chemically treated hair. Although these styling options make our hair look great and manageable,
Read more →Whether relaxer or dye, caring for chemically treated hair requires special attention. After all, you’re literally putting bleach and other chemicals directly on your skin. And your scalp is one of most sensitive areas of the human body. For many people, chemical treatments are a regular part
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