If you’re getting a bleach treatment and your stylist puts you under the dryer, this is not okay. Particularly when you’ve already told the stylist that your head was burning before going under the dryer. Question is – do you blame yourself or the stylist for allowing
Read more →Regardless of your hair texture, you may have considered getting a relaxer at some point. After all, other hair textures can use hair relaxers in a similar way to ethnic groups. In either case, use common sense when getting a relaxer treatment. Women worldwide are seeking sleek,
Read more →Noticing early signs of hair loss can affect your entire body or just your scalp. It can also be a temporary issue or a more permanent one. In general, hair loss can be the result of normal part of aging, medical conditions, hormonal changes or heredity. While
Read more →60% of African American women experience hair loss from ages 25 to 50 compared to 30% of caucasian women. On the other hand, Black women’s hair loss differ from Black men’s hair loss. For the women in this group, they do not go bald. Instead, they exhibit
Read more →You can find wigs for cancer patients online at louticiashairessentials.com. Not only are they pre-made specifically for chemo patients, but they’re made with 100% human hair. Consequently, they are natural-looking and knotless for sensitive scalps. Additionally, you can also order wigs for cancer patients online at this
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