Best Hair Colors For Summer 2023

Best Hair Colors For Summer 2023
The best hair colors don’t just come from celebrities, our clients at Uptown New York Style are shaking things up too. From bleach blondes to ombre, our clients are looking beautifully chic. Most of the hair colors below are not new trends. However, they are new for our clients who are accenting and changing from their norm.

Looking for a completely new look or daring color? Perhaps you want to give highlights a go. In either case, these are some of the best hair colors from our clients that might inspire you.

Ombre Hair

Ombre Hair Color

Ombre is one of the best hair colors whose effect is accomplished with gradual blends. It comes from the French word Ombré which literally means ‘shaded’. And has become one of the trendiest hair colors today. An ombre hair color is also a clever way to test out a color without having to color all your hair at once. Only to decide afterwards the color is not a good match for you. You know our colorist has skills when she can pull off ombre on straight hair and the results are beautiful and glamorous.

Blended Hair

Blended Hair Colors

This happy client is wearing a full weave with no leave out with blonde and brown blended hair colors. It can be pretty risky going from all over brown to a total blonde because it puts so much stress on your scalp and hair. Such a bold move is best performed by a professional colorist. However, this client doesn’t have to be concerned about any damage to her natural hair. The hair weave is blended with colors and her natural hair is completely protected. And doesn’t she look just gorgeous?!!

Blonde Weave

Blonde Hair Color

There are many shades of blonde including platinum blonde, honey blonde, sandy blonde, and so on. The trick is to choose the shade of blonde that looks most natural for your skin tone. Celebrities make it look easy to take care of color treated blonde hair. But you know they have a specific routine of specifically formulated products to keep their golden mane shiny and healthy. Always use shampoos and conditioners that are formulated for blonde treated hair and be mindful of using excessive heat.

To get the great hair colors, highlights, and more, call (858) 794-6833 or book appointment online.

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