Are You Choosing The Right Hair Color For Your Skin Tone?

Are You Choosing The Right Hair Color For Your Skin Tone?

Some people look incredible regardless of their hair color. But most of us have to make sure we have the right the right hair color that complements our skin tone.

The million dollar question is, what is your skin tone, really? The best way in which to tell what undertones you have is to look at the veins in your wrist. Are they blue in color? If so, it’s likely that your skin has cool undertones. If they’re green, however, then your skin has warmer undertones. Keep reading to find out what all of this means for your hair.

The Right Hair Color For Cooler Skin Undertones

Nice shades of red hair looks amazing when paired with cooler skin undertones. But those with a more olive skin color should steer clear. Warm red hair and neutral skin tones are the perfect match.

Fair Skinned People and Blonde Hair

Blonde hair is an excellent choice for fair-skinned people with warmer undertones. Especially if you have blue or grey eyes. Warm blonde hair, on the other hand, is the ideal option for those with cool undertones. Think honey, copper and strawberry blondes.

Warmer Skin Tones and Brown Hair

Brown hair can look stunning against warmer skin undertones, particularly on those people with a slightly yellow coloring. Warm brown hair complements paler skin quite well. The secret here is to pick a shade that contrasts with the color of your skin. If the two shades are similar, you may wind up looking washed out.

Pale Skin Tones and Black Hair

People with pale skin should avoid black as a hair color option. This choice definitely looks better on those with a slightly darker complexion. Alternatively, warm black hair looks much better on paler, cooler skin tones.

If you’re struggling with hair loss, sorting this issue out before changing your hair color should be the first priority. Luckily, combatting hair loss is easy when you have Uptown New York Style on your side. With the most up to date custom hair systems and custom hair prosthesis, we’ve got you – and your head – covered! Contact us today to book your complimentary consultation with one of our experts.

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