Advantages Of Salon Video Consultations

Advantages Of Salon Video Consultations
A detailed consultation ensures that your guests have an amazing experience at your salon. Salon video consultations were widely used last year during the pandemic. In particular, the medical industry benefited greatly from this technology as well.

Now that many businesses have returned to a physical office, there are changes to way they interact with guests. In addition to masks still being required, virtual consultations is the new norm for connecting with clients.

In particular, salon video consultations is a great way to reconnect with your guest prior to their appointment. Moreover, it provides you quality time to learn more about your guest’s hair goals and concerns.

Why Salon Video Consultations Are Here To Stay

Have you ever visited a salon, only to have the stylist tell you that your desired style is not doable? Whether the style is not suitable for you or it’s bad for you hair condition is inconsequential. The point is that the trip was a tremendous waste of time that could have been better utilized elsewhere.

To save you a wasted trip, we now offer hair salon video consultations. Not only does it reduce non-essential traveling, but you also don’t have to wait to be seen by a stylist.

Given these points, here are a few reasons why you should consider using our hair salon video consultations:

01. No More Wasted Time

As mentioned above, salon video consultations can save you valuable time. Particularly because your hair as well as your wallet may not be ready for the service you’re considering.

02. Get A Better Idea Of What Hairstyle Is Right For You

It can be an anxiety inducing experience for both client and stylists when you don’t know what hairstyle you want. However, with salon video consultations, you’re able to chat with the stylist about your ideas. As a result, the outcome is a clear decision. The stylist can also help you figure out the style that best complements your face shape. All of the particulars can be finalized before going to your actual appointment.

03. Receive An Accurate Quote

It’s difficult to determine exactly how much you’ll spend. This is because of different hair thickness, lengths and textures. But during the virtual consultation, we’ll help you determine the best options for you. Then, you’ll be able to get an accurate quote without even going to the salon. In essence, it allows you to better work within your budget.

04. Ask After Service Questions

Virtual consultations before your appointment sounds great. Now, imagine how amazing it is to still consult with your stylist after your service. You can arrange a post-service consult to ask us questions on how to style and care for your new ‘do.

05. Keep You Safe From Lingering COVID-19

While we follow strict protocols at our salon, you still interact with other people prior to entering our establishment. And with new variants cropping up, it’s wise to reduce contact with large groups of people. Or with people inside close quarters.

Therefore, with a virtual consultation, you get to stay at home and avoid possible exposure to the virus! Of course, we don’t make house calls. so you’ll need to come in for your actual appointment. But the less contact with other people, the better.

Even though many people have been vaccinated, our 2020 COVID-19 protocols are still in-place.

Doesn’t all the above sound super interesting? Click here to schedule your hair salon video consultation today. If you’ve already had your consult and need directions to our salon, follow me.

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